Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
Female | Mid-FY24 | 148 M | 145 M |
Protection for the Poorest
Social safety nets, such as cash transfers, in kind transfers and economic inclusion programs are essential for improving the livelihoods of people in developing countries, particularly in the face of risks from systemic shocks.
Aligns with
Client Context
Percentage of people covered by social protection and labor programs
Covers all members of a household where at least one member received benefits. Benefits include cash and in-kind transfers, school meals, social pensions, public works programs and labor market measures.
a) For total population
b) For poorest quintile
World Bank Group Results
Millions of beneficiaries of social safety net programs
The number of people who received some form of social safety net benefit supported by a World Bank Group project.
IFC and MIGA do not report on this indicator.
Open Data On selection, change the data
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
FCV | Mid-FY24 | 58 M | 110 M |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
Small States | Mid-FY24 | 0.77 M | 0.76 M |
SIDS | Mid-FY24 | 1 M | 2 M |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
LDCs | Mid-FY24 | 67 M | 90 M |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
IDA | Mid-FY24 | 208 M | 200 M |
IBRD | Mid-FY24 | 79 M | 88 M |
IFC | Mid-FY24 | N/A | N/A |
MIGA | Mid-FY24 | N/A | N/A |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
High income countries | Mid-FY24 | 0 M | 0 M |
Upper middle income countries | Mid-FY24 | 20 M | 22 M |
Lower middle income countries | Mid-FY24 | 230 M | 205 M |
Low income countries | Mid-FY24 | 37 M | 60M |
World Bank Results
Millions of beneficiaries of social safety net programs
The number of people who received some form of social safety net benefit supported by a World Bank Group project.
Open Data On selection, change the data
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
Female | Mid-FY24 | 148 M | 145 M |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
FCV | Mid-FY24 | 58 M | 110 M |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
Small States | Mid-FY24 | 0.77 M | 0.76 M |
SIDS | Mid-FY24 | 1 M | 2 M |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
LDCs | Mid-FY24 | 67 M | 90 M |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
IDA | Mid-FY24 | 208 M | 200 M |
IBRD | Mid-FY24 | 79 M | 88 M |
IFC | Mid-FY24 | N/A | N/A |
MIGA | Mid-FY24 | N/A | N/A |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
High income countries | Mid-FY24 | 0 M | 0 M |
Upper middle income countries | Mid-FY24 | 20 M | 22 M |
Lower middle income countries | Mid-FY24 | 230 M | 205 M |
Low income countries | Mid-FY24 | 37 M | 60M |