Client Context
Wage and salaried workers (% of employment), of which (%) are women
Waged employment includes those who hold explicit or implicit work contracts offering basic pay that is not dependent on firm revenues.
a) For total
Latest Year
b) Of which are women
Latest Year
Percentage of youth not in education, employment, or training, of which (%) are women
Share of total population of young people not involved in education, employment or training. For women, the share is relative to total female youth population.
a) For total
Latest Year
b) Of which are women
Latest Year
World Bank Group Results
Millions of new or better jobs, of which (%) for women and youth
Better jobs are jobs that compensate workers more for their time. The indicator captures the effects of WBG interventions that help people get jobs either through investments in human capital and skills or by promoting growth of firms and employment opportunities in the private sector.
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