
Green and Blue Planet and Resilient Populations​

No country today is immune from the impacts of climate change, pollution, and declines in biodiversity, which can hold back local development and exacerbate poverty. 

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Client Context

Percentage of people exposed to hazardous air quality

The percentage of population living in areas with annual average concentrations of particulate matter above 35 μg/m3

Coming Soon

Countries with increasing renewable natural capital per capita

The number of countries that have had a sustained increase in the stock of forests, cropland and ocean resources or in renewable energy per capita. 

IN 2020

Percentage of terrestrial and aquatic areas that are protected

The percentage surface area covered by protected areas or Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs).

Latest Year

Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels

The percentage of fish stocks classified as "within biologically sustainable levels," assessing whether fishing is conducted in a manner that does not deplete stocks or harm the overall health of the marine ecosystem.

Latest Year