
Gender Equality

Sustainable development will not be possible without transforming the distribution of opportunities, resources, and choices for both men and women.

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Client Context

Percentage of population that use a financial account, of which (%) are women

The percentage of adults who report having an account at a bank, financial institution, or mobile money service, and the share of account holders that are women.

a) For total

IN 2021

b) Of which are women

IN 2021

World Bank Group Results

Millions of people benefitting from actions to advance gender equality, of which (%) from actions that expand and enable economic opportunities

Gender equality outcomes include ending gender -based violence, building and protecting human capital,  accessing more and better jobs, expanding ownership and use of assets, expanding access and use of services that enable economic participation and advancing women’s leadership. ​
Coming Soon

Millions of people and businesses using financial services, of which (%) are women

Financial services include transaction accounts, deposit accounts, mobile money accounts, savings, loans, insurance (including disaster risk insurance), pensions, factoring, leasing, and investment products. ​
Coming Soon