Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
FCV | Mid-FY24 | 65 % | 65 % |
Effective Macroeconomic and Fiscal Management
A stable tax and fiscal environment can help governments manage debt and marshal resources to deliver services such as health, education, and infrastructure.
Aligns with
Client Context
Countries at high risk of or in debt distress (number)
Risk rating come from World Bank Debt Sustainability Analyses or, when not available, from credit ratings agencies.
IN 2023
Countries with tax revenue-to-GDP ratios (including social security contributions) below or equal to 15%
Tax revenue data comes from the World Economic Outlook.
Latest Year
World Bank Group Results
Countries at high risk of or in debt distress that implemented reforms towards debt sustainability (%)
The share of countries in or at high risk of debt distress in the current year that implemented reforms towards debt sustainability in both the current and previous year.
IFC and MIGA do not report on this indicator.
Open Data On selection, change the data
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
Small States | Mid-FY24 | 85% | 85% |
SIDS | Mid-FY24 | 94% | 94% |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
LDCs | Mid-FY24 | 83% | 83% |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
IDA | Mid-FY24 | 86% | 86% |
IBRD | Mid-FY24 | 7% | 14% |
IFC | Mid-FY24 | N/A | N/A |
MIGA | Mid-FY24 | N/A | N/A |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
High income countries | Mid-FY24 | 0% | 0% |
Upper middle income countries | Mid-FY24 | 53% | 53% |
Lower middle income countries | Mid-FY24 | 73% | 77% |
Low income countries | Mid-FY24 | 69% | 69% |
Countries with tax revenues-to-GDP ratio at or below 15% (including social security contributions) that have increased collections, considering equity
The number of countries at or below the 15% threshold that have managed to increase their revenue collection in real terms.
Coming Soon
World Bank Results
Countries in or at high risk of debt distress that implemented reforms towards debt sustainability (%)
The share of countries in or at high risk of debt distress in the current year that implemented reforms towards debt sustainability in both the current and previous year.
IFC and MIGA do not report on this indicator.
Open Data On selection, change the data
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
FCV | Mid-FY24 | 65 % | 65 % |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
Small States | Mid-FY24 | 85% | 85% |
SIDS | Mid-FY24 | 94% | 94% |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
LDCs | Mid-FY24 | 83% | 83% |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
IDA | Mid-FY24 | 86% | 86% |
IBRD | Mid-FY24 | 7% | 14% |
IFC | Mid-FY24 | N/A | N/A |
MIGA | Mid-FY24 | N/A | N/A |
Variable | Time Period | Stock of results achieved | Stock of expected results |
High income countries | Mid-FY24 | 0% | 0% |
Upper middle income countries | Mid-FY24 | 53% | 53% |
Lower middle income countries | Mid-FY24 | 73% | 77% |
Low income countries | Mid-FY24 | 69% | 69% |
Countries with tax revenues-to-GDP ratio at or below 15% (including social security contributions) that have increased collections, considering equity
The number of countries at or below the 15% threshold that have managed to increase their revenue collection in real terms.
Coming Soon