About the World Bank Group Scorecard

About Us

The World Bank Group (WBG) is embarking on a journey to achieve stronger development outcomes. Our new scorecard is at the core of this effort and will provide a yardstick to measure how we deliver on our mission to end poverty and boost prosperity on a livable planet. The scorecard redoubles our focus on accountability and impact, while consolidating the efforts of all the World Bank Group institutions under a unified set of indicators.


This scorecard is a work in progress, covering only a portion of the results in our current portfolio. Although partial, the current data from the scorecard will help us refine our country strategies, communicate results more effectively, enhance our transparency, manage our efforts better, and identify gaps.



At the heart of the scorecard are 22 carefully chosen results indicators, a substantial reduction from the previous 150+, which are designed to provide a more focused and clear view of our progress in key development areas. These areas include protection for the poorest, access to water and sanitation services, digital services and more private investment, among others. The indicators were selected through extensive consultations with shareholders and partners, reflecting a people-centered approach that prioritizes improvements in the lives and livelihoods of people in our client countries.


Aside from the 22 results indicators, the scorecard includes complementary indicators that address our broader vision, encompassing poverty, prosperity, and our goals to achieve a livable planet. It also provides context on country-specific challenges such as food insecurity, learning poverty, and uneven access to electricity.


Data availability  

The initial release of the scorecard provides insights on 11 indicators – half of the total— to track our progress on some of the most critical development challenges. It also features methodology notes for each indicator and the option to disaggregate results by several variables, including gender, regions, and country income groups.  This first set of indicators showcases results from our work on social safety nets, debt sustainability, GHG emissions, safe water and sanitation, access to electricity, renewable energy capacity, better education, food and nutrition security, sustainable transport, broadband internet use, and digitally-enabled services.


What's Next  

As the scorecard is a work in progress, we acknowledge the substantial work that lies ahead. Our teams are actively engaged with country authorities to complete the data collection process, develop new methodologies, and enhance our results architecture. The next phase of the scorecard will offer more information and qualitative analysis that captures outcomes from our work on policy reforms, institution building, and advancing knowledge and research. Over time, as we progress through the phases, data coverage and the comprehensiveness of the scorecard will improve.


Later this year, the full set of data on the remaining indicators will be made available, marking another milestone in our journey towards stronger development outcomes and greater accountability. The Scorecard will be hosted on a new platform replacing this website. The new platform will be interactive, include more information, and enable users to create visualizations and customized datasets. Our expectation is to have all remaining data ready for dissemination at the 2024 IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings. Annual updates will follow from FY24 through FY30, aligning with the timeline of the Sustainable Development Goals.